Welcome to the Aerospace Hub at the U!
We are pioneering an aerospace enhanced future fueled by advancing the frontiers of research in engineering, science, health, and beyond. Multidisciplinary teams are the basis of our unique endeavor to broaden aerospace research toward holistic technology development.
The Aerospace Hub at The University of Utah is an interconnected group of a faculty, students, administration, and research infrastructure designed to support highly competitive and cutting edge Aerospace research capabilities, team building, agile proposal development, and workforce development.
Stay connected and informed about the latest innovations and trends shaping the future of aerospace.
The Four Main Pillars of the Hub
Convergent Aerospace Research
Closely-coupled, multidisciplinary teams across campus
Education and workforce development to support and promote local industry
Technology transformation for new product development
The University of Utah operates and maintains a suite of unique facilities that promote and enable collaborative research endeavors across campus, the state of Utah, and the nation.
Click "Learn More" for a brief list of foundational facilities that support Aerospace research at the U.
The Aerospace Scholars Program will provide 50 internship opportunities with corresponding scholarships.
We anticipate the application process for the inaugural Scholars Program opening in Winter 2023/2024.
Graduate School opportunities are also available.
We anticipate the application process for the inaugural Scholars Program opening in Winter 2023/2024.
Graduate School opportunities are also available.
Student Spotlight
Spaceport America Cup Competition
University of Utah mechanical engineering student, Kian Arian Ben-Jacob, wins the Lone-Ranger Award at the world’s largest Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition.
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The Utah Division of Aeronautics is planning for the implementation and growth of drone package delivery, aerial taxis, and electric aircraft in Utah.
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47G is an ecosystem comprised of over 100 members and 20 academic institutions serving three national sectors.
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