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Internal Submission Opportunities

Faculty Small Grant Program (FSGP) – Fall 2023 Cycle
Fall 2023 Deadline: 11:59pm (MST) on Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023
Click here to apply!

The Faculty Small Grant Program (FSGP) provides grants of up to $10,000 over 1 year to support scholarly publications and creative research. Scholarly activity is defined as a work of scholarship that is peer reviewed and publicly disseminated. Examples of scholarly activity should demonstrate discovery and/or integration of new knowledge, technologies, methods, or materials. Creative research activity is defined as original contributions to an investigator’s field of study that are produced through writing, creating, composing, designing, recording, performing, curating, etc.

Applications for the Fall 2023 cycle are due by 11:59pm (MST) on Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023. Interested applicants should thoroughly review all FY24 FSGP Guidelines before preparing an application. Questions about this program should be directed to Whitney MacKay.


2023-2024 Faculty Fellow Awards (FFA)
Deadline: 11:59pm (MST) on Thursday, October 5th, 2023
Click here to apply!

The Faculty Fellow Awards (FFA) provide awarded faculty members one semester of full release time (from teaching and administrative tasks) at full salary for scholarly and creative projects. Scholarly activity is defined as a work of scholarship that is peer reviewed and publicly disseminated. Examples of scholarly activity should demonstrate discovery and/or integration of new knowledge, technologies, methods, or materials. Creative research activity is defined as original contributions to an investigator’s field of study that are produced through writing, creating, composing, designing, recording, performing, curating, etc. Departments of awarded faculty will receive up to $15,000 to defer the cost of the awardee’s release time.

The FFA program accepts applications once per year. The FFA application process is two steps:

  1. Faculty submit their applications via InfoReady in early-October. FY24 Applications from are due by 11:59pm (MST) on Thursday, October 5th, 2023.
  2. Then, Colleges submit their top 10 applications (with a ranking letter) by mid-November. For FY24, the top 10 and ranking letter are due by 11:59pm (MST) on Wednesday, November 8th, 2023.

Interested applicants should thoroughly review all FY24 FFA Guidelines before preparing an application. Questions about this program should be directed to Whitney MacKay.

Please contact VPR Grants with any questions.