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The Post Internal Submission Opportunities

Internal Submission Opportunities

Institutional Research Grant

Deadline: Monday, July 1st, 2024
Link to Apply: Please submit completed applications as a single pdf at this link. 


Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) is accepting applications for pilot project funding from the Institutional Research Grant (IRG) awarded by the American Cancer Society. This funding mechanism provides pilot project funding to junior investigators. Two awards of $30,000 are available.

These two funding slots are available to fund basic, translational, population-based studies.


Junior faculty who are within 6 years of their first independent faculty position and who have yet to secure significant extramural funding (NIH R01 or equivalent) for their program are eligible to apply.

Application Materials:

  • ) Abstract (not to exceed 300 words)
  • ) Background and preliminary data (not to exceed one page)
  • ) Specific Aims and Experimental Plan (Not to exceed 2 pages)
  • ) Literature cited
  • ) Biosketch in the NIH format
  • ) A description of how you will leverage this award for extramural funding
  • ) Budget – allowed expenditures: Research supplies and animal maintenance, technical assistance, publication costs, core facility fees, stipends for graduate students or postdoc who will carry out the proposed work, equipment costing less than $2000 and registration fees for scientific meeting.  Salary support for the PI is not allowed.
  • ) IACUC approval for studies involving vertebrate animals is required before funding can begin but is not required to submit the application.
  • ) IRB approval for studies involving human subjects is required before funding can begin but is not required to submit the application.


Sponsoring Office/Unit: Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI)

For more information, please feel free to contact Monica Salas.