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The Post Foundation Sponsored Limited Submission Opportunities

Foundation Sponsored Limited Submission Opportunities

The University of Utah Foundation Relations team manages several limited submission opportunities sponsored by various foundations each year. Foundations Limited Submissions are reviewed by a Foundations LSO Committee that selects applications most likely to:

  • Perpetuate success for the University;
  • Assist the selected faculty member in advancing their research; and
  • Meet the goals and expectations of the sponsor


The CFR team conducts three cycles of Foundation LSO review each academic year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. All Foundation-sponsored LSOs that are currently managed by the UofU CFR Office are listed HERE, with links to learn more about each program. The InfoReady internal competition links for each program are published as they are created. Interested faculty members must apply to the internal competition and be selected by the LSO Committee for each program.


Internal competitions for all Winter 2023-2024 Foundations LSOs are active and shared below! Please contact Gwen Allouch if you have questions about applying for an opportunity listed above.


Summer Funding Opportunities Sponsor Internal Competition Status

Program Description

100&Change MacArthur Foundation The Internal Deadline for the Intent to Apply is Friday, August 9, 2024. Click here to apply. The MacArthur Foundation has announced the launch of its third round of the 100&Change competition for a single $100 million grant to help solve one of the world’s most critical social challenges.

Competitive proposals will address a significant problem and provide a solution that is impactful, evidence-based, feasible, durable, and just. No field or problem area is designated and proposals from all sectors and anywhere in the world are encouraged.

Note that only one proposal will be selected, and this opportunity is highly selective (in a prior round, eight semi-finalists were selected from more than 1,900 applications). However, applying may also open up access to smaller funding awards from other foundations within the funder network.

There is no limit to the number of applications from the university. However, we are asking UofU faculty with interest in this opportunity to submit an Intent to Apply. Doing so will allow a coordinated response from the CFR team to connect applicants with resources such as proposal guidance, cross-campus collaborations, and additional funding opportunities. The CFR team will accept Intent to Apply forms until Friday, August 9th.

2024 Searle Scholars Program Searle Scholars Program Applications are due Friday, June 28, 2024. Click here to apply. ·      Internal Submission Deadline: Friday, June 28, 2024

·      Cycle: Spring

·      Discipline/Subject Area: Early-career scientists

·      Funding Available: 300000

·      Website:

·      Description:

***Faculty members are responsible for reviewing the full program details. Please click on the website link to access the full program details and eligibility requirements.


The Searle Scholars Scientific Advisory Board is primarily interested in the potential of applicants to make innovative and high-impact contributions to research over an extended period of time.

Applicants for the 2025 competition (awards which will be activated on July 1, 2025) are expected to be pursuing independent research careers in biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience, pharmacology, and related areas in chemistry, medicine, and the biological sciences.

Applicants should have begun their appointment as an independent investigator at the assistant professor level on or after May 1, 2023. The appointment must be their first tenure-track position (or its nearest equivalent).

The Searle Scholars Program does not ordinarily support purely clinical research but has supported research programs that include both clinical and basic components. Potential applicants who are unsure if their research is appropriate for our Program are encouraged to examine the research interests of present and former Searle Scholars on this website.

Applicants who were nominated for awards in the previous competition year but were not awarded may still meet the eligibility criteria for the current competition. Institutions should consult with the Scientific Director of the Program regarding renomination of such individuals.

For more information, visit the Searle Scholars website.


Mathers Foundation Grants Program (Fall cycle) Mathers Foundation Applications are due on Friday, June 28, 2924. Click here to apply. The Mathers Foundation Grant Program primarily supports basic science, ideally with potential translational applications. Examples of current research areas include immunology, microbiome, structural biology, cellular physiology, cancer biology, genetics, genomics, microbiology and infectious diseases, stem cell biology, and neuroscience. The Foundation does not support research conducted in human subjects and will not fund requests for clinical trials or drug discovery. Requests for funding previously federally supported research and/or applications pending federal approval will not be accorded priority consideration.

Awards from the foundation are very competitive. The foundation will accept applications from investigators in any career stage. However, based on the foundation’s award history we particularly encourage mid-late career faculty with an established and recognized research background to apply. Collaborative research projects with other US based organizations are acceptable. Research collaborations between US based organizations and organizations based outside the US are not encouraged and will be given lower priority.

Although the maximum award is $700,000 over three years (inclusive of 10% indirect costs), careful consideration should be given to the actual costs of the project and the total project budget amount should be commensurate with the project scope.

For more information, please visit the Mathers Foundation website.