Jan 23 - Jan 23
SBIR for Startups: Fueling Innovation through Federal Funding
The University of Utah’s Office of Vice President for Research and the Utah Governor’s Office Economic Opportunity (GOEO) will be presenting startup funding opportunities and accelerator programs available to University of Utah startups on January 23, 2025. This joint event will introduce US federal seed funding through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR/STTR) programs (NSF, DOD, and NIH) and our entrepreneurial ecosystem including I-Corps™ Program, Doman Innovation Studio, Utah Innovation Fund, Small Business Development Center (SBDC), and the Altitude Lab. Also meet Chad Testa, PhD (CEO at Cürza), a former faculty at the Department of Chemistry. Dr. Testa has received SBIR awards from the NIH (NIAID) to develop a new class of antibacterial drugs.
Additional participating organizations will include:
- GOEO Innovation Center
- Small Business Development Center (Jim Herrin)
- Doman Innovation Studio (Cord Bowen)
- Cürza (Chad Testa)
- Altitude Lab (Chandana Haque)
- University of Utah Office of Vice President for Research (Won-Yong Lee)