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Oct 2 - Nov 1

National Technology Alliance: Support and Expand America’s Industrial Decarbonization Workforce

Extramural Funding

Respond to the $3M opportunity by November 1

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO) will spend $3 million to help grow the readiness of the workforce needed to decarbonize the U.S. industrial sector; and they need your help.

Up to six selected Industrial Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, and Decarbonization (ISEED) Collaborative members will receive funding, technical support, and guidance over the course of two years to develop and pilot workforce solutions that can be scaled regionally or nationally.

IEDO is soliciting proposals from organizations with established experience or networks in the following focus areas:

  • Energy efficiency and decarbonization for existing industrial processes, including energy management, use of waste heat, and smart manufacturing strategies.
  • Industrial electrification of thermal processes, process heat (heat pumps), or hydrogen production.
  • Low-carbon fuels, feedstocks, and energy sources, which will play a critical role in decarbonizing sub-sectors that rely on fossil fuels and could include renewable energy, clean hydrogen, fuel-flexible processes, and biofuels and bio feedstocks.

Want to learn more? Webinar registration and the application process flow through NTA's newest Catalyst Community, ConnectWerx.