Jan 6 - Feb 28
National Consortium for the Advancement of Long Duration Energy Storage Technologies
The University of Utah recently joined the National Consortium for the Advancement of Long Duration Energy Storage Technologies (LDES Consortium). If you are interested in participating of the LDES Consortium, there are two avenues to interact: Tiger Teams and Working Groups.
- Tiger Teams: Craft recommendations and other associated deliverables. Check out the LDES Consortium Tiger Team website for descriptions of each Tiger Team.
- Stakeholder Engagement and Community Engagement Working Groups:
- Stakeholder Engagement Group: Responsible for outreach/recruiting Teaming Partners, creation of the LDES Consortium’s outreach/communications plan and dissemination of consortium-created information, and planning events such as the annual workshop.
- Community Outreach Taskforce: Seeking industry experts to help facilitate effective and meaningful community engagement by our consortium. The taskforce will contribute to shaping DEIA-focused deliverables like community engagement guidance for LDES technology deployment.
If interested in participating, please complete the LDES Consortium Tiger Team and Working Groups form (takes approximately 2-5 mins to complete).
Thank you!