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The Hive: The U’s Research Data Repository Hits 100 Datasets

A milestone has been reached as The Hive has hit over 100 dataset contributions just in time for its fifth anniversary. The Hive itself is a research data repository for The University of Utah that is provided by both the J. Willard Marriott Library and the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library. According to their description, the Hive is “designed to broadly disseminate the intellectual contributions in research and creativity produced by the University’s faculty, staff and students to ensure its longevity.”

It’s an amazing tool for researchers:

  • Hands-on deposit assistance and dataset curation support
  • Much faster turn around time than other repositories
  • Free deposit and storage for at least 5 years
  • Free Digital Object Identifier (DOI) creation for the dataset
  • Registration with the and repository registries


To mark this occasion, research data librarians Madison Golden and Kaylee Alexander have compiled five highlighted datasets from The Hive.

Number 100—End of Life Doula Survey Data with Bots Infiltration (deposited 04/30/2024) 

The main contributor of this dataset, Amber Thompson, explained that, “This dataset resulted from an online survey attempt for my dissertation, which was infiltrated by bots and insincere respondents. By sharing this dataset, I hope that others can use it to gain experience with what bots look like in survey data and also to create systematic data cleaning processes that identify such cases. The HIVE was an amazing resource for sharing this data!”

Contributor: Amber Thompson, Graduate Research Assistant (Sociology)

Number 67—Dataset for: A Data-Driven Analysis of Cemeteries and Social Reform in Paris, 1804–1924 (deposited 1/27/2023) 

This dataset is based on the 1816, two-volume publication, Le champ du repos, ou le Cimetière Mont-Louis, dit du Père Delachaise. Compiled over the course of 1815 by MM. Roger and Roger (a father-son team), Le champ du repos contains the epitaphs and scale drawing of over 2000 monuments present in the cemetery of Père-Lachaise (Paris, France) by the end of 1815. The author of this dataset has combined the information from this volume (including demographics of the deceased drawn from epitaphs, visual characteristics of monuments, and the locations of monuments within the cemetery) with data from the digitized records of burial available from the Archives de Paris. Thus, this dataset details every known monument present in the Cemetery of Père-Lachaise by the end of 1815 with information about the type of burial (free, temporary, or perpetual) that it marked.

This dataset was used for the recently published book by Kaylee Alexander, A data-driven analysis of cemeteries and social reform in Paris, 1804-1924, which is available in the library’s collection.

Contributor: Kaylee P. Alexander

Number 46—Data for: The Role and Impact of the Subject Selector in the Pac-12 Libraries (deposited 6/14/2021) 

Page from the daily burial registers for the Cemetery of Père-Lachaise, Paris (December 1809 and January 1810). Archives de Paris, France.

This study of the role and impact of the subject selector in academic libraries is unique and long overdue.  We focused on the Pac-12 university libraries, a representative sample of nationwide academic libraries.  The strength of our investigation is this small, focused sample size and unique statistical analysis of subject specialists. There is a wide variety among these libraries with respect to the hiring requirements for MLIS, the MLIS with an additional advanced-subject master’s degree, and those libraries who hire non-MLIS librarians. This investigation has the possibility of promoting greater awareness for the future of subject specialists in academic libraries.

Contributors: Mohammad Mirfakhrai, April Love

Number 88—Kennecott Miner Records, 1900–1919 (deposited 11/16/2023) 

This dataset provides access to data from personnel records of miner employment from 1900–1919. Records from the Utah Copper Company are handwritten and contain the following employee information: name, date employed, address, dependents, age, weight, height, eyes, hair, gender, and nationality. Data has been transcribed and released as a .tsv (Tab Separated Values) file. Technical metadata has been redacted.

Contributors: Anna Neatrour, Rachel Jane Wittmann

Number 95—Transgender and Gender Diverse Adults in University of Utah Health (deposited 1/19/2024) 

Personnel record for Peter [S]krapos, Kennecott Copper Corporation. J. Willard Marriott Digital Library, University of Utah.

This dataset is a retrospective study of de-identified electronic-medical record data of transgender and gender-diverse (TGD; i.e. those whose gender identity does not align with their sex assigned at birth) adults 18 years and older who receive gender-affirming care within the University of Utah healthcare system. Gender-affirming care includes gender-affirming hormone therapy (i.e. estrogen- or testosterone-based medications) and gender-affirming surgeries. The goal of creating this dataset is to contribute to the growing literature needed about the TGD population in order to facilitate public health efforts to address health disparities as well as answer clinically impactful questions.

Contributors: Tiffany Ho, Sharon Talboys

Connection to NIH Data Management

The Hive plays an important role in helping University of Utah researchers comply with the 2022 Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memo requiring free, immediate, and equitable access to all federally funded research.

The memo stipulates that federal agencies, including the NIH:

  1. Update their public access policies as soon as possible, and no later than December 31st, 2025, to make publications and their supporting data resulting from federally funded research publicly accessible without an embargo on their free and public release;
  2. Establish transparent procedures that ensure scientific and research integrity is maintained in public access policies; and,
  3. Coordinate with OSTP to ensure equitable delivery of federally funded research results and data.

For those not required to use subject or agency specific data repositories, the Hive provides free access, 1:1 support, and quick turnarounds for U of U researchers who need to make their de-sensitized data available for compliance purposes.

Who to Talk with about The Hive?

Kaylee Alexander, research data librarian or Madison Golden, research data librarian. Please click here to send them an email.