The University’s K12 program, a part of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, is again organizing R01 writing groups that will include up to five NIH-defined new investigators who are pursuing their first R01 NIH award (or equivalent). Each group will be headed by one or two senior faculty members with extensive success with NIH awards and study section reviewer experience. The participants will receive feedback from faculty facilitators, peers and mock reviewers on their grant to produce top quality grant submissions. The groups will meet via Zoom starting in May 2025 and continue meeting bi-weekly to work on Specific Aims and draft the Research Strategy, until the early part of August 2025.
We encourage all faculty who meet new investigator status (never had an R01 or equivalent as PI) and who are well-poised to prepare a competitive application as outlined in the flyer, to participate.
Application Deadline: Monday, April 14, 2025, by 5:00 PM MT
Contact Information: R01 Writing Groups | CTSI | University of Utah Health