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The Post Foundation Sponsored Limited Submission Opportunities

Foundation Sponsored Limited Submission Opportunities

The University of Utah Foundation Relations team manages several limited submission opportunities sponsored by various foundations each year. Foundations Limited Submissions are reviewed by a Foundations LSO Committee that selects applications most likely to:

  • Perpetuate success for the University;
  • Assist the selected faculty member in advancing their research; and
  • Meet the goals and expectations of the sponsor

The CFR team conducts three cycles of Foundation LSO review each academic year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. All Foundation-sponsored LSOs that are currently managed by the UofU CFR Office are listed HERE, with links to learn more about each program. The InfoReady internal competition links for each program are published as they are created. Interested faculty members must apply to the internal competition and be selected by the LSO Committee for each program.

Internal competitions for all Spring 2025 Foundations LSOs are active and shared below! Please contact Gwen Allouch if you have questions about applying for an opportunity listed above.

Spring Funding Opportunities Sponsor Internal Competition Status Program Description
2026 Pew Biomedical Scholars Program The Pew Charitable Trusts Applications due April 6th, 2025

Apply here

The Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. This program does not fund clinical trials research. Strong proposals will incorporate particularly creative and pioneering approaches to basic, translational, and applied biomedical research. Candidates whose work is based on biomedical principles but who bring in concepts and theories from more diverse fields are encouraged to apply.